Just like there are niche loan programs, there are niche marketing programs. Mortgage originators should explore these underutilized or overlooked platforms, including YouTube, LinkedIn, Google My Business and blogs.
The bigger mortgage companies already are in these spaces promoting their mortgage products. Fewer independent mortgage originators are promoting their services on these platforms. That’s an opportunity for the ones who do it right.
Select a niche marketing platform that you enjoy and feel comfortable working with. Not every originator will specialize in every marketing avenue. Do not be the “jack of all trades, master of none” when it comes to marketing. Pick a marketing niche and master the platform before moving on to the next one.
Niche marketing can include creating informative videos and posting them on YouTube, building a company page and showcasing it on LinkedIn, developing and promoting your business with Google My Business, or writing a blog to promote your product and services.
Informative videos
YouTube videos rank very well on search engines sites such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. The first time you record a video might be scary, but you’ll become more and more comfortable creating videos the more you master the niche.
A well-crafted video will promote you as the mortgage expert in your local market. Look up the term “mortgage expert” in your city or your market in any search engine and see what videos show up. If there is no video, then create one.
Once a borrower searches that key term, your video will appear. Guess what happens next? The borrower will watch your video, learn about you and your services, and then ask you to assist with their home-loan needs.
LinkedIn showcase
LinkedIn is a sleeping giant that many originators fail to utilize to full effect. LinkedIn has a good amount of page authority, which means it ranks high in search engines. When creating a LinkedIn profile, complete all sections, including adding a professional profile picture. This is not a Facebook platform. LinkedIn is a professional site and should be treated that way.
LinkedIn allows originators to create a company page along with 10 showcase pages to promote 10 different loan programs. The company page needs to be created before LinkedIn will allow you to create the showcase pages.
These showcase pages can feature a particular loan program, such as “Federal Housing Administration Purchase and Refinance Home Loans in Rancho Cucamonga.” These pages will rank well on page ne of Google. Imagine having all 10 of your showcase pages ranking on that first search engine page.
Google authority
Google My Business is an easy-to-use tool for mortgage companies to manage their online presence across the Google search tool and maps. This platform hosts a free website where an originator can post images, blogs, videos and reviews. Yes, it is all free.
Google “mortgage lender or broker Rancho Cucamonga” (or whatever your local city is) and see what comes up. Three businesses should appear near the top. Some may have reviews. If nothing shows up, what are you waiting for? Do not delay in creating your page.
When you create your page, don’t do it partially. Fill it out 100 percent. By completing all sections, you will boost your chances of landing on the first page making you an authority on the subject in the eyes of the borrower.
Blogging expert
Write a blog on a particular home-loan program, such as buying a house with no money down in California, and post that blog on your website. You also can post the piece on a WordPress site or other free sites, including Tumblr, Wix, Weebly, Blogger or even the Google My Business site.
Blogs at 2,000-plus words in length with images and videos rank incredibly high on Google in your local market. The problem many originators have is that they write about generic topics, such as the state of the housing marketing. How will that blog compete with sites like The Wall Street Journal, Zillow, Realtor.com and so on?
Originators should write titles with key search terms, including the name of your local market. Keep the material narrow — instead of addressing such a broad topic that it will never be seen on Google’s page one. You don’t want to compete with much bigger authoritative websites such as The New York Times, Bloomberg, CNN and CNBC.
Too many mortgage professionals ignore these platforms, leaving the door open for action-taking originators to take advantage of these tools. Be that originator who masters one, two or three niches.
Treat these niche marketing platforms as you would a niche loan program. Learn the process and promote the niche in your local market to increase your brand and reach. Pick a marketing niche. If you start slow, that is fine, at least you started. Complete the process, and it will become easier and easier to promote your services within that platform.
Nathan Rufty is a mortgage coach and trainer with Mortgage Marketing Pros, a company that works with loan officers to develop marketing plans that increase leads and closed loans. Mortgage Marketing Pros was created by a producing loan officer and a master marketer to teach mortgage professionals how to create their own businesses without relying so much on one or two streams that can dry up without warning.