Despite a travel resurgence, hotels face a multiyear recovery

With the COVID-19 pandemic fading, it’s tempting to assume that the hard-hit hotel industry will immediately recover due to a surge in vacation travel. The truth, according to analysts, is more complicated than that. Hotel forecasts suggest that the industry will recover slowly, which will affect financing decisions — as well as the values and […]
Florida’s Insurance Moves Could Buffet the Mortgage Market

Homeowners will likely find it more difficult and costly to protect their property
Why the Mortgage Industry Clings to Classic FICO

Pressure on Fannie and Freddie to adopt new scoring models has so far been unsuccessful
Stay One Step Ahead of Regulatory Changes

Automation can keep mortgage companies out of hot water
The Post-Pandemic World of Foreclosure Litigation

These legal battles are likely to impact the housing market for years to come
Survive the Wild Real Estate Market With Technology

Virtual tours, automated bids and data insights are changing the homebuying landscape
Ransomware Poses a Rising Threat

Mortgage companies are prime targets, but steps can be taken to reduce the risks
The Right ‘Who’ Delivers the ‘How’

Make smart choices when building your team to close more loans in less time
Take a Tutorial on Hard Money Loans

Attention to detail is crucial for connecting clients to these alternative financing vehicles
The Get-Them-Talking Experience Is at Hand

Drive repeat and referral business with cloud-based computing tools