More Than a Sketch
Automated home valuations can complete the borrower and property picture
Hack Through The Tech Jungle
Answer these questions to locate the right mortgage origination solutions
Stop Outsourcing Your Relationships
Build your business by truly connecting with prospects and referral partners
Test Your Loan Process
Employ technology to drive speedier closings and increase profitability
Avoid a Fix-and-Flop Disaster
Originators can help home flippers manage cash flows and increase investment returns
Take a Few More Bites of the Apple
Having more available loan programs creates the right fit for your borrowers
Don’t Wait for Referrals
The best way to grow your business is to find your own clients
Ghayan Chhotani, Sovereign Lending Group, No. 2 VA Volume (2019)
Ghayan Chhotani was putting himself through college two years ago, working as a sales associate at a GNC store in Manhattan Beach, California. One day, a man wearing an expensive suit complimented Chhotani on his customer sales skills. “I told him I appreciate that,” Chhotani said. “And I was like, ‘This is going to sound […]
Finding the foreclosure-auction heartbeat will take some time
A steady heartbeat of foreclosure auctions in early 2020 rapidly flatlined late this past March as the coronavirus crisis triggered a wave of nationwide foreclosure moratoriums. From the start of this year through the week of March 8, an average of 1,500 properties per week were brought to foreclosure auction — meaning they either sold […]
The demand for homes isn’t going away
Skylar Olsen is senior principal economist at Zillow. She joined Zillow in the summer of 2012, and built a team focused on investigating local housing markets and the importance of place in economic outcomes nationwide. Olsen holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Washington, specializing in econometrics and environmental economics, and was honored […]