More Than a Sketch

Automated home valuations can complete the borrower and property picture

Ghayan Chhotani, Sovereign Lending Group, No. 2 VA Volume (2019)

Ghayan Chhotani was putting himself through college two years ago, working as a sales associate at a GNC store in Manhattan Beach, California. One day, a man wearing an expensive suit complimented Chhotani on his customer sales skills. “I told him I appreciate that,” Chhotani said. “And I was like, ‘This is going to sound […]

Finding the foreclosure-auction heartbeat will take some time

A steady heartbeat of foreclosure auctions in early 2020 rapidly flatlined late this past March as the coronavirus crisis triggered a wave of nationwide foreclosure moratoriums. From the start of this year through the week of March 8, an average of 1,500 properties per week were brought to foreclosure auction — meaning they either sold […]

The demand for homes isn’t going away

Skylar Olsen is senior principal economist at Zillow. She joined Zillow in the summer of 2012, and built a team focused on investigating local housing markets and the importance of place in economic outcomes nationwide. Olsen holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Washington, specializing in econometrics and environmental economics, and was honored […]