Green Loans Are Taking Center Stage
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Residential Spotlight: Southeast Region
These states are moving beyond their roots.
A strong economy should equate to healthy origination volumes
Editor’s note: This article was first published April 1, 2020, from data that was available earlier in the year. Information contained in the article relates to events before the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Prior to the latter half of 2019, the last time the 30-year fixed mortgage rate hovered at a level below 3.75% was a […]
Todd Teta, Attom Data Solutions
Home seller profit climbs through the roof
Many millennials take a detour before homeownership
New evidence suggests that millennials may be cooling on urban living. In 2018, for the fourth year in a row, millennials and younger members of Generation X (ages 25 to 39 that year) moved out of cities with at least 500,000 residents more frequently than they moved in, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis […]
Case-Shiller Index: Price growth up modestly in January
According to the latest iteration of the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index, January saw annual home price growth of 3.9%. That’s a modest uptick from the previous month’s 3.7% annual rate, but the slight bump made January’s annual pace the fastest in 12 months. The index’s 10- and 20-City Composites also saw […]