Hotel Points to Ponder

Property type and location can affect your financing options
Commercial Spotlight: Texas

The Lone Star State is flexing its economic muscles.
Bulletproof a Hotel Before the Sale
Engineering reviews can save money and uncover hidden problems for investor clients
Launch an Urban Renewal
A little-known federal loan program is made for apartment projects in underserved areas
Down the Bumpy Road of CMBS Loan Assumptions
Spot the problems that can become deal killers for clients
When Worlds Collide

Bank-financed bridge loans can offer better terms and lower costs
The Little Loan That Could

This government-backed financing program keeps small businesses moving ahead
The office market mimics the nation’s slow and steady growth

The U.S. office market rarely gets considerable attention — at least during this expansion. It has neither the strong rent growth that the apartment market has had, nor the soaring construction levels that the industrial and self-storage sectors have seen. And, unlike retail, the office market has not seen closures, conversions or even negative net […]
Rick Hill, Mortgage Bankers Association
There’s a tech revolution happening in commercial real estate

Interested in Croatian real estate? You’re not the only one. Croatia’s home prices remain pointed steadily upward, thanks to a combination of scant inventory and swelling demand. The country — one of seven nations that arose from the dissolution of Yugoslavia — has rebounded from the harsh impact of the global financial crisis of 2008. […]